What is IBM Jazz architecture?

What is JAZZ?

Jazz is an IBM Rational initiative to help make software delivery teams more effective by making it more collaborative, productive and transparent, through integration of information and talks across the phases of the software lifecycle. [1]

Jazz is an open platform designed to support any participant who wants to improve the software lifecycle and break down. [1]

The Jazz is composed of three elements:

  1. An architecture for lifecycle integration
  2. A portfolio of products designed to put the team first
  3. A community of stakeholders

The main objective is to provide a frictionless work environment that helps team collaborate, innovate, and create great software.  Key points are fundamental improvements in team collaboration, automation, and reporting across the software lifecycle. [1]

Case Study:

What is Living Architectures (eclipse vs Jazz)?

Eclipse provides a plug-in architecture, which enables smooth integration of desktop tools, while Jazz is an integration architecture that supports integration of new  and existing software lifecycle tools, which are  implemented in different technologies. Both have goal to enable rich integration with loose coupling. Jazz integration architecture is based on a RESTful architecture enabling integration at different levels. [1]  Rest(Represenational Sate Transfer) is a style of Software Architecture for  distributed hypermedia systems such as the word wide web. This term was originally coined by Roy Fielding, who is one of the principle authors of HTTP protocol specification, in his doctoral dissertation “Architectural Style and Design of Network” [2]– based Software Architecture.

What is Living architectures?

Living architecture provides the capability to create, integrate, maintain, describe and display architectures that are defined by the business blue print. Living Architecture brings business driven application, data and technology architectures together in a logically related and integrated fashion. [3]


[1] Erich Gamma. (2010, Aug.) http://jaoo.dk/. [Online]. http://jaoo.dk/aarhus-2010/presentation/Living%20Architectures%20-%20From%20Eclipse%20to%20Jazz
[2] Roy Fielding. (2000, Jan.) Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures. [Online]. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/top.htm
[3] IBM. (2010, Aug.) Qualiware. [Online]. http://www2.qualiware.com/1additional/IBM_uk_QWback.pdf

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