What is Cloud Computing?

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a metaphor for technology, which uses Internet and remote servers to maintain data and applications. Using this technology, one can use the applications without having them installed on their personal computers. All it require is an Internet to access those applications and data, which are installed in the cloud (Internet) and managed by cloud service providers. Simplest example for cloud computing could be a gmail and yahoo. All these are accessible from any where, using any computer. Emails and Attachments (pdf, word) can be read, without installing PDF Reader and Office, which are already installed on clouds (Internet) and managed by cloud service provider (gmail, yahoo)

This technology provides more efficient computing by centralising storage, memory and processing. So that, consumer can use the software alone and enjoy the benefits. Best analogy is, you don’t need to buy a cow, if all you need is milk.

Cloud computing is divided into three areas and each area serves  different purpose and offers different services.

1. Applications

2. Platforms

3. Infrastructure

1. Applications

Applications area of cloud computing is very useful and helping to reduce the cost by running application over Internet on centralised server rather installing them on every computer. Imagine the world when you need to purchase computer with high specification hardware, all you need is a thin client to access your application on cloud (Internet). In the past, customer needs to buy a whole license of software, even if it is being used few times a month. Now using cloud computing companies are offering pay as you go services where you only pay for what you use for. Furthermore, it can reduce maintenance costs, the costs of hardware, and licensing costs required to run servers on site.

2. Platforms

There are many companies who are providing pay as you go services for different applications, has also developed platform services as well. Big names in this are Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

3. Infrastructure

The final area in cloud computing is infrastructure, is backbone in cloud computing. Infrastructure vendors environments (i.e Google gears),  which allow users to build applications. Cloud storage, i.e. Amazon’s S3, is also considered as part of the infrastructure.

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