Software design vs software architecture

Architecture usually deals with what (is done) and where (it is done), but on the other hand, Design deals how(it is done).

Architecture is Highest level of abstraction of system, kind of skeleton. MVC, MOVE, 3-Tier, Service Oriented Architecture are architectural patterns exactly like different design patterns.

Software Design is about designing individual class/ modules / components and their responsibilities and functions.



Zend Framework 2 Main features

  • An entirely re-written event-driven MVC layer
  • Components practice dependency injection, supported by our Service Locator and DiC components
  • A powerful module management system
  • An EventManager, for writing event-driven systems, as well as for creating cut points in your software for introducing cross-cutting concerns.
  • A new view layer, architected around analyzing the request and generating a suitable response, be it plain old HTML, or Atom feeds or JSON.

Demo of the first Apple Macintosh by Steve Jobs, January 1984

Demo of the first Apple Macintosh by Steve Jobs, January 1984, in front of 3000 people. Andy Hertzfeld captured the moment quite well in his retelling: “Pandemonium reigns as the demo completes. Steve has the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face, obviously holding back tears as he is overwhelmed by the moment. The ovation continues for at least five minutes before he quiets the crowd down.”