Memory Information

bit => Binary
byte => 8 bits
kilo byte => 1024 bytes
mega byte =>1024 kb
giga byte => 1024 mega byte
tera byte => 1024 giga byte
peta byte => 1024 tera byte
exa byte => 1024 exa byte
zitta byte => 1024 zitta byte
yotta  byte => 1024 yotta byte
bronto byte => 1024 bronto byte
geop byte => 1024 geop byte

Automated Testing: A Silver Bullet?


This white paper debunks the myths around automation and helps readers to understand the difference between implementing automated testing and attaining the Holy Grail. Most often, this means explaining what automated testing actually is, and what automated testing tools and solutions can actually do. The paper succeeds in clearly explaining both.

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