dashes vs underscores (SEO)

Dashes or Underscore, which is best for seo point of view

if you are a web developer and want to build websites with SEO optimisation. You might face this question “which is SEO way to split words in URL, dashes or underscore?”.

I would recommend using dashes. Why? Lets find out.

Many programming language have stuff like _MAXINT, which is different than MAXINT. So if you have a url like word1_word2, Google will only return that page if the user searches for word1_word2 (which has rear chances). If you have a url like word1-word2, that page can be returned for the searches word1, word2, and even “word1 word2?.

That’s why I would always choose dashes instead of underscores.

Does Google penalize for dashes

Google doesn’t algorithmically penalize for dashes in the url. And bear in mind that if your domain looks like www.buy-cheap-viagra-online-while-consolidating-your-debt-so-you-can-play-texas-holdem-while-watching-porn.com, that may attract attention for other reasons.

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