Connectivity & Accessibility among Windows, Linux & Mac

Connect from Host MAC to Virtual Guest Windows using SSH & HTTP

Background Information.
SSH runs on port 22
HTTP runs on port 80

SSH command can be used many useful keywords such as
-l is for specificing login
-v is to run the command in debug mode. Its always nice to know what is happening behind the scene

Example comand.
>ssh -v -l LoginNameOfGuestMachine IPofGuestMachine

Steps to connect host(mac) machine to Guest(windows) Machine using SSH or SFTP
1. First you need to install SSH Server. I have installed freesshd (free open source SSH and SFTP Server for windows)
I- SSH & SFTP runs on Port 22, so ADD the port 22 in your windows firewall exception list.
II- Add the User in freesshd user list and assign a possword or use windowsNT authentication mode.
III- Check the Bottom Check box to enable SSH or SFTP

2. Get the Guest(windows) IP address using command ipconfig
3. Host Mac already comes with SSH pre installed. so every thing is ready to go. Run the command
>ssh -v -l usernameSetinFREESSHD IPofGuest(windows)
>enter password ….
4. Host Mac Already comes with SFTP client CyberDuck so you can use above informaiton in that to access the directory structure of Guest(windows) Upload/download files. etc.

Steps to access Guest(windows) IIS Server on Host(mach) Machine
1. Install IIS Server
2. Configure  a site folder and assign the permission using IIS permission wizard as public site.
3. get the Guest(windows) IP address using ipconfig command
4. add port 80 in windows firewall exception list
5. Runs the site using http://IPofGuestMachine:80/SiteName address on Host(mac) browsers

usefull sites

Connect from Host MAC to Virtual Guest Windows using smb

1. get the Windows(Guest) machine Ip address using ipconfig on command line
2. Make sure that Files sharing on windows is enable. otherwise enable the files sharing in windows first.
2. share any folder by right clicking on it and going to shared and network security
3. Set the permissions.
4. on Mac(host) got to “connect smb server” using finder -> tool -> connect smb server enter the server address
enter the user name and password of windows(guest) machine
select the sharing folder to mount in mac(host) machine.

following links could be useful

Connect Mac(host) from windows(guest) using smb (file sharing)

1. Share the folder on mac by going system preferences turn on the file sharing & remote login.
2. add the shared folder and click on options and select the smb share box and add any user

3. Go to Networkneighbourhood -> add network place -> choose network
4. enter the network address with \serverip(host mac)\sharefolder
5. next and enter the user and password. its ready.

usefull links could be

connect mac(host) using windows(guest) putty

1. download the putty & run the putty
2. get the ip using ipconfig on windows(guest) command line
3. enter the ip in putty and oppen
4. enter the login and password.

usefull links could be

How to Access Mac(host) Http & SSH over Linux(Guest)

1. Go to the System Preference -> Sharing -> Turn on the Remote Login
2. Check the Ip of of Mac(host) using ifconfig command.
3. go to the Linux(vmware guest) and using command line use following command to access ur mac
>ssh -v -l UserName(mac host) IPofHost(mac)

You can add the network palce in linux using ssh as well by using following steps
1. go to Dolphin File Manager ->Network -> Add Network Folder
2. use login and server information and select the ssl box at bottom.
3. Network folder will be added and you can access it any time like network map drive in windows.

Accessing Mac(host) web server over Linux Suse(Guest)
1. Go to the System Preference -> Sharing -> Turn on web sharing on mac(host)
2. check mac(host) ip using ifconfig on command line
3. access the mac (host) webserver over Linux suse(guest) using http://GuestIP:80/

How to Access Linux suse Server(Guest) SSH & HTTP over Mac(host)

Access Linux(guest) using SSH

1. Using Root administrator Account check Linux(guest) Ip using ifconfig command.
2. open the port for ssh in linux(guest) firewall.
I- Run YaST2 on command line
II- go to Security and users -> Firewall -> Custom Rules -> Add
III- Add source Network MacIP(host), select TCP, enter destination port 22(for ssh), Leave Source port empty.
3. open command line on Mac(host) machine and access the ssh using following commands
>ssh -v -l LoginLinux(Guest) IPLinux(Guest)
>enter password. and ready to go.

Access Linux(guest) web server using HTTP
1. Using Root administrator Account check Linux(guest) Ip using ifconfig command.
2. open the port for http in linux(guest) firewall.
I- Run YaST2 on command line
II- go to Security and users -> Firewall -> Custom Rules -> Add
III- Add source Network MacIP(host), select TCP, enter destination port 80(for http), Leave Source port empty.
3. open browser on Mac(host) machine and access the http web server using following commands
http://IPGuest(linux):80/ready to go.

usefull links could be

Access Linux(guest) Shared files using Samba server

1. Using Root administrator Account check Linux(guest) Ip using ifconfig command.
2. open the port (137, 138 and 139) for smb in linux(guest) firewall.
I- Run YaST2 on command line
II- go to Security and users -> Firewall -> Custom Rules -> Add
III- Add source Network MacIP(host), select TCP, enter destination port 137, 138 and 139(for smb), Leave Source port empty.
2. Enable the samba.
I- Open YaST2 ->Network Services -> Network Services (xinetd) -> Turn Off Swat
II- Open YaST2 -> System -> System Services (RunLevel) and enalbe nmb, smb & smbfs and Press OK
3. open finder -> Go -> Connect Server and add following address

userfull links could be

Connect Mac(host) from Linux Suse(guest) using smb (file sharing)

1. Share the folder on mac by going system preferences turn on the file sharing & remote login.
2. add the shared folder and click on options and select the smb share box and add any user

3. go to linux(guest) and open doliphin ->network -> samba Shares and enter the Mac(host) ip address

usefull links could be

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