Monthly Archives: May 2010

Setting up a development server for testing purposes

Setting up a development server for testing purposes.

Most web developers will use a web hosting company to host their websites. It makes perfect sense to outsource the most critical aspect of your web presence to professionals. Web hosting is one area where you can not make do with good, it has to be great.

With that said it can sometimes be very beneficial to have a test bed where you can develop your site locally without having to actually upload your work to your web host. If your site is simply a static site written in html then there really is no need to use anything more than a web browser and place your files in a folder on your computer. But what if you want to be able to test new code and scripts before they are sent to the server. You could simply create a new directory on your web host and use that for development, but then you need to spend time uploading, testing, editing then uploading again, it can be a very time consuming process. Continue reading